Today was a fun day. It was nice to get my voice out there. Love that we have lots of people call in, really didn't think that many people listen. LOL
Now is when it all comes together. Tomorrow is my son Parole Hearing. I don't know what will happen. This is all new to us. I know we get to say something, What I would love to say is " I know I can't say any thing or do anything to change your minds about the outcome of my son life, but if I could what would you want me to say?"
We have to be at the prison at 8:00 in the morning. So we are spending the night close by. We get to wait with our son as our turns comes up. We have lots of letter for support. Don't know if it will help but it won't hurt.
Not sure if either one of us will get any sleep tonight.
We won't find out the outcome until when ever they deiced to tell us. Could be by the end of the week, or not until the first part of DEC.
The life of our son is in someone else hands. I hate that part.
I am trying to be strong. I am going to have to live with the outcome, what ever they say they want my son to do.
I am going to be strong!! I am going to be strong! This is hard.. but I will be strong. I won't break down, not now when my son needs me the most.
1 comment:
You are a strong woman, Lora, and you'll get through this like you have everything else. Like they say, "what doesn't kill you will make you stronger".
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