Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My letter got read

I write a new letter once a week to about 40 Legislator people. This is my letter that I email out this Monday. 

As you can tell I write it for one size fit all..

I understand you are a busy person with a lot on your plate. I would love to be able to set down with you and talk about the Sex offender laws. Your time is limited so I will write you this letter. 

August is when the new law goes into effect that will be letting some of the prisoner go. How about Sex Offender? How about the one who didn't do anything that was real bad.

(1) The "Romeo & Juliet cases", when a young man ends up on the registry for having a consensual relationship with a "barely underage" girlfriend;

(2)  Juveniles on the registry, and especially children who are treated as criminals for "playing doctor" with a young friend;

 (3) Absurd cases, especially people who are on the registry for public urination, breast feeding, or "mooning.

(4) The Under 25 age who were looking at porn. Their life just getting started.

All of these people are on the Sex Offender list.  I wish there was some way you could make a law where "one size fits all" but the laws doesn't work that way.

My 21 year old son has been setting in Conway jail waiting for room to open up in Pine Bluff  to get evaluated. He was in college when he got caught looking at underage porn. Just like any other 21 year old male.  He would have been a candidate for a rehab class. Instead he has to go to prison for the rehab class. Then for the next 15 years or life be a registered sex offender for a level one. The more I find out about the Evaluating at Pine Bluff, They will make him a level 3, because they will THINK he might do worse.

I am learning more every day about Sex Offenders. The ones who scare me the most are the one who rape underage kids, The ones who kidnap kids, The ones who victimize kids.

Please, would you take part of your time and look at this law on Sex Offenders. The ones on the list who don't need to be on it. Try to make their life a little easier.  The level 1 and 2, let them do their time and let them go on with their life.

Thank you for reading my letter. That part mean a lot to me.
Jane Smith
Then I get a email from another Senator,

Dear Mrs.Smith

I am very sorry to hear about the issues you are dealing with in regards to your son.

If I am not mistaken, I have responded to you before.  However, I am copying our senate staff in this response so that we can review our files to see what action or response we may or may not have taken.

It seems to me that your story is best heard during a committee meeting so that your opinions may be recorded and considered by the legislature.  Would you be willing to testify in front of a legislative committee about your concerns?

Our staff will do a review and get back with me about the status of any prior response.  I hope you will also advise me if you would like to testify in front of a committee about this.

Also, have you contacted your own senator or representative about this?

Senator R. J.

   YES,, I  would love to speak in from of the committee and have at least two other people who would love to be heard also.
I will do whatever I can do get the word out of this.
 You are not the only one I write to, I send my letters to about 40 committee members.

Thank You so much for giving me this opportunity.

Jane Smith

Mrs. Smith

Since you are willing to testify, I will ask the staff to help identify the best opportunity for you to do so.  The legislature is not in session at this time, but there may be an opportunity for you to speak to this matter before and interim committee.

Senator R.J.

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